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If you are a private customer :

From your cell phone: 555 (free call) From a landline: 0809 100 555 or 0696 900 555 (cost of a local call from a landline) If you're in mainland France: 0809 100 555 (cost €1.20/min) or 0696 900 555 (cost of a call from the calling area to the local area) If you are abroad: +596 696 900 555 (cost of a call from the calling zone to the local zone) By e-mail: contact@digicelgroup.fr

If you are a corporate customer

From your cell phone: 567 (free call) From a landline: 0809 100 567 or 0696 900 567 (cost of a local call from a landline) If you're in mainland France: 0809 100 567 (cost €1.20/min) or 0696 900 567 (cost of a call from the calling area to the local area) If you are abroad: 00 596 696 900 567 (cost of a call from the calling area to the local area) By e-mail: business@digicelgroup.fr

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Together All the Way | Digicel French West Indies

When we say Better Together, we mean it. Experiencing new things, together. Living the best digital life, together. Growing together.