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1. What is Digicel’s SmartHOME Solution?

A SmartHOME is a home that adjusts to a customer’s living habits and routines. It allows the customer to automate tasks like turning lights on, locking doors or viewing their camera and controlling them remotely. Smart homes, like smart phones, can be adjusted to suit the user and to make life simpler.

Digicel’s SmartHOME Solution provides you with the ability to secure, manage and monitor your home using the latest technology. You can view live camera feeds, arm or disarm your home, and always be aware of the status of your home with real time alerts on your smartphone. With Digicel’s SmartHOME Solution you can enjoy a sense of security whether inside or outside.


2.      Who is eligible for this service?

2. Who is eligible for this service?

Only existing Home & Entertainment customers who are in good standing are eligible for the SmartHOME service. SmartHOME can be added onto your current Digicel Home & Entertainment package for an additional fee. Not yet signed up with Digicel Home & Entertainment? Click here to get started today!


3. What are the SmartHOME product options?

Digicel has two convenient base packages to choose from, and because we understand that no two homes are the same, our packages are fully customizable. The base packages are as below:




Smart Home Essential

Smart Home Premium

Mobile App Monitoring

Public Response



Smart Wi-Fi






Door / Window Contacts



Motion Sensors



Key Fob






Video Doorbell









Add On

Price (BBD)

Indoor/Outdoor Camera


Mini Door/Window Sensor


Motion Sensor


Smoke Alarm Monitors


Key Fobs


Video Doorbell


Panic Button


Smart Plug 


Acoustic Glass Break Sensor


3.      Can I request additional devices?


4. Can I request additional devices?

Yes, all packages are completely customizable, you can add devices as required to completely outfit your home.


4.      Is there an installation fee?

5. Is there an installation fee?

No there is no installation fee to be paid by the customer.

3.      What are the specifications of the camera?


6. What are the specifications of the camera?

The camera allows for real-time video streaming in 1080p resolution. The camera has a day/night functionality with an infrared lighting for capturing images in various lightening scenarios. Infrared (IR) lighting range is 20m, and can be turned on or off.


4.      How do the motion sensors work?

7. How do the motion sensors work?

The motion sensors are indoor devices, they sense infrared heat energy emitted by living things. Once armed, if any movement is detected within range, the unit notifies the user via the app and triggers the siren.

The motion sensor has been designed to give a detection range of 35’ with a 90 degree wide angle lens when mounted at 6.5’ above the floor.


5.      How do the door contacts work?

8. How do the door contacts work?

This two-piece system requires no wires and can be used on windows and doors. When the doors or windows open and closed, the magnetic contacts signal your gateway to alert you.


6.      How do I go about changing batteries in the various sensors?

9. How do I go about changing batteries in the various sensors?

Fortunately, the battery has a really long lifespan 2 to 5 years, depending on device and usage, in the unfortunate event that your battery dies, once made aware, Digicel will ensure a technician is sent to your home to make the relevant changes.


7.      What is the installation process?

10. What is the installation process?

The install process is relatively quick, and does not require much additional wiring in your home. Customers are required to visit a retail store or the Website and select the devices/package they would like to have installed. After the necessary documents (ID Card, Approval from landlord) we will call you to schedule on a day and time most convenient to you. Our technicians will best guide your decision on where to place your devices to get the most out of your system.  Once the devices are installed, they will get you set up on the app where you can monitor your SmartHOME service anywhere, at any time!


8.      What happens if my WI-FI drops?

11. What happens if my Wi-Fi drops?

In the unfortunate event that your communication is lost via the broadband connection, fortunately, Digicel has provided a backup wireless connection in the form of an LTE data SIM card that is installed in the SmartHOME gateway.

This will restore wireless connection, this happens automatically, so you may not even notice when you’ve been offline.


9.      Can I use the LTE SIM card to make call or create a hotspot?

12. Can I use the LTE SIM card to make cals or create a hotspot?

The SIM card is programmed directly to the SmartHOME gateway and cannot create a Wi-Fi hotspot nor make/receive calls.


3.      How do I arm the system?

13. How do I arm the system?

The System can be armed in two modes, “Away” and “Stay”. These modes can be activated via the App or Key Fob. 

Arming from the APP:  

Once you’ve successfully logged into the App, select the relevant option, “Away/Home”

Once you’ve selected the option the system will then be armed.


Arming from the Key Fob

Press the “Home” or “Away” button to arm your premises in the selected mode.


3.      What are the Stay and Away Modes used for?

14. What are the Stay and Away Modes used for?

AwayUse Away Mode when you are leaving the premises and want the entire home protected in your absence. Motion sensors will be active.

HomeUse Home Mode when you are staying in the premises and want the perimeter protected while allowing you to move around inside without setting off the alarm. Motion sensors are not active. This gives you peace of mind even when you are home.

DisarmOnly intrusion/burglary sensors such as doors, windows and motion sensors are disarmed. Environmental sensors, such as smoke and flood sensors, stay active at all times.


15. How do I disarm the system?

The system can be disarmed from the app by selecting the “Standby” option.

From the Key Fob, once armed, users can press the “X” button to disarm. 


16. How do I disable the siren?

From the Key Fob, the siren can be disarmed by pressing the “X” button. From the app customers can select the “Standby” option.


17. How do I view my camera feed?

Live feed can be viewed by simply clicking on the desired camera from the dashboard.

When the cameras are viewed in the devices area, pressing the camera symbol will capture a still image. Pressing the record button will capture a video clip. 


Searching your SmartHOME system history (video)

Video captured can be viewed by selecting on ‘timeline’ view of the app.


18. How can I reduce the sensitivity of  my camera's motion detection?

Select ‘devices’ option in your app.

Motion settings and Detection Zone can be adjusted to get the desired outcome for video capture on your camera.


Please note:

All Motion will record a clip based on enough pixels changing in the field of vision to trigger the camera to report motion. The area viewed can be restricted to a key area through use of the Detection Zone, if you need a specific area monitored only.



19. Can multiple persons have access to the App?.  Can multiple persons have access to the App?

Yes, multiple persons can have access to the app as you desire.

Easily add users to your abode account so they can log in via the mobile app on their device. From their device they can arm / disarm the system and view camera feeds.


·        In the mobile app go to Menu, select edit (pencil next to your name)

·        Select Manage users

·        Click Invite by email

·        Fill in the email information and click Send

·        All done! The added user will receive a welcome email with a temporary password for accessing the mobile application

17.  Can I use the app while on a data connection outside of Barbados?


20. Can I use the app while on a data connection outside of Barbados?

Yes, with Digicel SmartHOME you can monitor your home from anywhere in the world once you have your smartphone, the SmartHOME app and an internet connection.

18.  What to do if my phone has been stolen or lost?


21. What do I do if my phone has been stolen or lost?

You can use any device to download the app and access your account with your login credentials.  We suggest you change your password, this action will disconnect and log out any device using your credentials. Once logged in on another device you can manage users as you see fit.

19.  What devices are being monitored by the Alarm Monitoring Center?


22. What devices are being monitored by the Alarm Monitoring Center?

Control Panel, Door /Window Contacts, Motion Sensors, Smoke detector and Flood Sensor



23. Is emergency response available?

Yes 24/7 public response services are available at no additional cost (police/fire/ambulance). Private response monitoring is also available at an additional cost with our response partners – JE Security


21.  What occurs if my camera is stolen?

24. What occurs if my camera is stolen?

Recordings are stored on the app and each clip can be downloaded from the app as well. Cameras will only be replaced if it is under the 6 month warranty.


22.  Can I use my existing camera to integrate with Digicel’s SmartHOME?

25. Can I use my existing camera to intergrate with Digicel's SmartHOME?

No, the Digicel SmartHOME system is only compatible with Digicel SmartHOME cameras.


23.  How do I pay my SmartHOME bill?

26. Can I use my existing camera to integrate with Digicel's SmartHOME?

All existing payment methods available for Digicel+ are available for SmartHOME.  SmartHOME is simply an additional service to your existing Digicel Home & Entertainment account and will be reflected on your monthly bill under “other products and services”.


24.  What happens if I pay my Digicel+ bill but not my SmartHOME bill.

27. What happens if I pay my Digicel+ bill not my SmartHOME bill?

The bill is combined. If the full payment is not made for both services the entire account will be disconnected for non-payment.

25.  Is there a warranty on my devices?


28. Is there a warranty on my devices?

Yes, devices will have a 6-month warranty from the date of the installation on said device.

26.  What security features are used to protect my system from being hacked?


29. What security features are used to protect my system from being hacked?

The Z-wave security implementation in the devices features encryption, and is also used by some of the world's most security-conscious companies, including major lock manufacturers.


27.  Why do I need an additional contract if I am already a Digicel+ Customer?

30. Why do I need an additional contract if I am already a Digicel+ Customer?

SmartHOME is a different service from your current Digicel+ service and as such there are separate contract terms and conditions that govern the service. It also requires new equipment and a new installation and therefore the customer is obligated to keep the service for at minimum 12 months.


31. Is there a limit to the number of devices I can add on or cameras?

28.   Is there a limit to the number of devices I can add on or cameras?

·        The max number of devices that can be added on to your system is 250.

·        You can request up to 20 cameras on your system. Please note that you will need to have adequate internet bandwidth to support these cameras. Your Digicel Sales representative will advise if a bandwidth increase is needed.


29.  Who monitors my camera system?

32. Who monitors my camera system?

The customer alone has access to monitor and receive notifications concerning their camera system. 


30.  Is there a minimum requirement of broadband speed for SmartHOME cameras?

33. Is there a minimum requirement of broadband speed for SmartHOME cameras?

The maximum IP Camera Bandwidth requirement with a resolution of 4MP (2560*1440) is 8Mbps per camera. All Digicel+ broadband packages are enabled to support SmartHOME.


34. How do I set up home automations?

31.  How do I set up home automations?

·        Select CUE on your app.

·        Click the ‘+’ button

·        Select Automation from the options

·        Name the automation

·       Set the automation trigger – click tick to save

·       Set the actions – click tick to save

·       Option – to set the conditions. Ex. Only automate if it is dark outside. – click tick to save

·       You can view all your automations under the CUE area of your app.



35. How do I pair with Alexa or Google Assistant?35.32.  How do I pair with Alexa or Google Assistant?

·        Go to menu

·        Select integrations

·        Select Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant

·        Follow the instructions to set up.



36. What are the requirements for install?33.   What are the requirements for install?

a.      Customer must have the Digicel+ services

b.      Cameras can only be installed at a maximum of 10ft from a power outlet

c.      In order to install a smart light switch, the customer must have a neutral wire and Incandescent, fluorescent (regular and long bulb) and LED bulbs.

d.      A smart phone to install the app

e.      Identify areas where customer would like the devices to be installed.  E.g. Doors, camera location, motion sensor location

f.       A  password that can be remembered easily for logging into your app



37. What happens when I change my Wi-Fi password?34.   What happens when I change my Wi-Fi password?

Everything, except your cameras, continues to work if you change your Wi-Fi. Our Customer Care agents can assist you remotely to update your Wi-Fi information for cameras.  



38. I forgot my password, how do I reset it?

Simply select the ‘forget password’ prompt on the log in screen of your app.

36.  Who do I reach out to for help with my SmartHOME system?


39. Who do i reach out to for help with my SmartHOME system?

Customers can reach Digicel Smart Home Customer Care via the below media:

a.      Email:  smarthomebb@digicelgroup.com

b.       Live chat (Digicel Website or MyDigicel App)



40. What happens in the event my alarm is triggered?37.  What happens in the event my alarm is triggered?

In the event that an alarm is triggered – The security response protocol is initiated, this begins with a phone call to the primary contact from the Alarm Monitoring Center to ensure that everything is okay, once all is well, there is no further action. If you are unable to answer your phone the Alarm Monitoring Center will attempt to make contact with your listed alternative contact numbers before dispatching the relevant response team.


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